watch it! you're in
the Looniverse!

"The older I get, the better I was"

"Some men find success boring, even distasteful."
Ernest K. Gann's Flying Circus

"He could sit on a fence, watching a worm
and wondering what on earth it was up to, for hours at a stretch."
P.G. Wodehouse, The Aunt and the Sluggard

Harrie's enormously talented.
     Harrie will never get rich!

There's no future in being ahead of your times.
Harrie Verstappen

Only those who decline to scramble up the career ladder are interesting as human beings.
Nothing is more boring than a man with a career.

Aleksandr L. Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago, VII p. 455

My Oblituary:
of Harrie Verstappen
(such as it is—I hate these things)

Born 1940 on Curaçao island, Netherlands Antilles. Lived in Holland from 54. After high school (HBSb 58) had a fling at biology at Nijmegen University. Nijmegen correspondent for Forum Academiale magazine. Joined NATO as a filler 61-2; sergeant, air reconnaissance, Holland and France.
Worked for photo importer Imag, the Hague, staff 63-64; photo trade publisher CIBAF n.v., staff 64-66. Established VistaFilm, 1964, for distribution of Japanese movies in Holland.
Meanwhile, published photographs and articles in Tiq, Skoop, Muziek Expres, Pop Foto, NRC-Handelsblad, Algemeen Dagblad, Vrij Nederland. Worked as a sound technician for Dutch television (68-70) and as a still photographer in Dutch feature film production from 69. Also wrote some scripts and directed some movies. His photographs have been published in virtually all Dutch newspapers and magazines and many international publications. Famous for his photographs of Yayoi Kusama, The Kinks and more pop musicians.
First Dutch film sound engineer to use wireless microphones and the 'puppy'.
Moved back to Curaçao, 78; did sound, light and cinematography for film and TV productions, but mainly still photography. Also made some movies. Ran a farm (eggs, game, honey) in the mid 80s. Recently moved operations into the digital age; afterworking on a Virtual Reality simulation of Curaçao island upon discovery and later, gave that up as another project coming too early. Director of Fotomatiko del Caribe n.v. 1987-1993.
Married an architect (well, frankly, not at that time) 1968; collaborates with her in landscaping adapted to local tropical desert conditions. One daughter, 1986.
Participated in international conference Workshop Voedsel, Holland 1985; founding board member of Netherlands Antilles authors organization Corpus Mysticum, 1994; co-organizer Congresses "Bario 2000" and "Barionan, Base pa un Nashon", 2001.
Was instrumental in suing Curaçao's Prime Minister Gerrit Schotte, leading to his conviction for fraud, money laundering and then some, with a lost appeal in 2017; final appeal was rejected in November 2018 and Schotte went to jail early December.

Postal address:
Plantage Bai Klaas
CW Curaçao LP73
AN Neth. Antilles
landline +599 9864 8012

the Looniverse

the Global Village Fool

Marquis' Who's Who
They have put me in their International edition for some reason. Well, actually I do know the reason: Marquis just seems to send all subscribers to the Smithsonian Magazine a form. And maybe for other prestigious publications. I thought it the joke of the year.
In January 2003 I applied for a record with the Guinness Book of Records as the poorest man who ever made it to Marquis' Who's Who in Finance and Industry, where, later, I got listed as well. But Guinness let me know they didn't think it much of a record.
I don't think I'm still listed in Marquis'; it's very important to them that those in their books take that seriously. As I found out in 2011, wrong again: I've been in there for 10 years and am allowed to buy a "commemorative Anniversary Wall Plaque" for $149.95; plus S/H - you betcha. Just the item I need to impress my Girl Friends.
The latest offer, 2018, was to give them $850 for a copy of the book plus a plaque.

Credits include:
I keep adding to this list. Much of this stuff can be found elsewhere on this site.
Others I'd just as soon forget about have a nasty habit of popping up and ruining my minute.
Then, for the sake of Gründlichkeit, I sighingly put them in.

DE BOSDUIVELTJESAN1952stage operettaactor
FORUM ACADEMIALENL58-60magazineNijmegen editor
VOX CAROLINANL58-60magazinestories/articles
SALVONL1961magazineshort story
De Nederlandse FotovakschoolAN1963correspondence course(unfinished)
Zeiss-Ikon Contaflex A1964SLR 35mm camera
Darkroom1965B/W-Color processing
THE KINKSNL1966magazine articlephotographer
Musashino-Koki Rittreck19666x9 SLR
TENGOKU TO JIGOKUJP-NL1966Akira KurosawaHigh andLow/De Losprijs
YAYOI KUSAMANL1967magazine articlewriter & photographer
FRANK ZAPPA & The Mothers of InventionNL1968magazine articlephotographer
DAITOZOKUJP-NL1968Shenkichi TaniguchiSamurai Pirate
EIGHT MILES HIGH-The Golden EarringNL1969tv-filmstills
EIGHT MILES HIGH-The Golden EarringNL1969record sleevephotographer
DROP OUTNL1969feature filmstills
NL1969tv-filmsound engineer/
still photographer
ILEANA MELITANL1969tv-filmsound engineer
THE CATSNL1969tv-film showsound engineer
THE SHEPHARDSNL1969tv-film showsound engineer
WILMA in KOPENHAGENNL1969tv-film showsound engineer
POETSNL1969/1970candid camera tv-seriessound engineer
MUSICI VOOR VIETNAMNL1969tv-film reportagesound engineer
DICHTERS VOOR VIETNAMNL1969tv-film reportagesound engineer
JORIS IVENSNL1970tv-film reportagesound engineer
NEBU MEUBELENNL1970cataloguephotographer
DENNIS POTTERNL1970tv-filmsound engineer
AKA Love and Music - Rock Fieber


feature film
Holland Pop Festival
BLUE MOVIENL1971feature filmstill photographer
KAPSALONNL1972film shortstill photographer
VERGEET UW RIB NIET, MENEER!NL1972mixed stage/moviecinematographer
VDNL1972feature filmstill photographer
FRANK & EVA/LIVING APART TOGETHERNL1972feature filmstill photographer
SHIP-TO-SHIP TRANSFERAN1972documentary filmcinematographer
DAKOTANL1972feature filmco-scriptwriter/still photographer
COSMIC COMICSUSA-NL1973filmographdirector
Grenoble Festival
du Court Métrage
(hors concours)
Atlanta Film Festival1st Hollywood Erotic
Film & Video Festival
(honorable mention)
STRAFNL1973film shortstill photographer
ALICIANL1973feature filmstill photographer
MY NIGHTS WITH [everybody but you]NL1974feature filmstill photographer
MENS, ERGER JE NIET!NL1975feature filmstill photographer
Yashica-Zeiss Contax RTS197635mm SLR
PASTORALE 1943NL1977feature filmstill photographer
PolskaAN1977travel photographs
France-Italia-Österreich1978travel photographs
GRIJPSTRA & DE GIERNL1979feature filmstill photographer
ANTIYAS, TRIANGULO PA FUTUROAN1980documentary filmsound engineer/
still photographer/
2nd unit camera
MOSAIKO KULTURALAN1980documentary filmsound engineer/
still photographer/
2nd unit camera
ANESCOAN1981tv-film commercialdirector & special effects
HET VERBODEN BACCHANAALNL1982feature filmstill photographer
COMWESTAN1982tv-film commercialdirector & special effects
CURAÇAO CANDLE FACTORYAN1983tv-film commercialdirector & special effects
Timex-Sinclair TS-10001984computer
ZWARTE RUITERNL1984feature filmstill photographer
HISTORIA DI KORSOWAN1985tv-seriesco-script writer/
production stills
$CORPIO SCRAPBOOK 1965-1976NL1985bookphotographer
PENTAGRAMAN1986tv telenovelalight
ANTILLIAANS VERHAALNL-AN1987tv-film seriessound engineer 2nd unit
Tony ShermanNL-AN~1987video cliplight
KAPRISHO ANTIANOAN1988tv-film documentarysound engineer
Commodore C641988computer
RHYTHMS AND CARESSESNL-AN1989tv-documentarysound engineer
YOU CAN'T WALK HOMENL-AN1989tv-documentarysound engineer
MUHE GRANDINL-AN1989tv-documentarysound engineer
CANTIKO CARIBENL-AN1990tv-documentarysound engineer/
still photographer
EEN DUBBELTJE SEXAPPEALNL1990Auto-Bio Willeke van Ammelrooyphotographs (uncredited)
WHERE THE DREAM BEGINSAruba1991tv-documentarysound engineer
Los Angeles Video Festival
1992musical documentarydirector/producer
Jamaica1993travel photos
HET CURAÇAOSCH MUSEUMAN1990sReproductionsphotographer
Brand-X 286 PC1994computer
THE STORY OF MY LIFEAN1995autobiography
DEL CURAZAO QUE SE FUÉAN1996Virtual Reality demodirector/producer
VANUIT DE BLAUWZWARTE DIEPTENL-AN1998book Rob Rojerphotographs/
OUWE WIJVENAN1998joint exhibitionb/w photographs
LOVE FOREVERUSA-UK-J97-99Yayoi Kusama exhibitionphotograph
Los Angeles County MuseumMuseum of Modern Art, New YorkWalker Art CenterTokyo Museum of Contemporary Art
SONRISAS MUSICALES - Rob RojerAN1998CD-coverphotography
The LooniverseAN1999-websitewebmaster
The Colony of Curaçao & Willemstad
The Global Village FoolAN2003-websitewebmaster
Kyocera digital2005 cameramirrorless
Japan2006travel1st visit
NAAMCW~2005-2010NAAM - National Archaelogical Anthropological Managementwebmaster
TOKION MagazineUSA2006Ken Miller: Kusama interviewphotographs
Panasonic Lumix2006small digital
South Africa2007travel photos1st visit
NO KAIAN2007Feature Filmlight
KUSAMA, PRINCESS OF POLKA DOTSUSA2007Trailer Feature Doc Heather Lenzphotographs
North-East Canada2008travel photosautumn colors
Sony A 9002008digital full-frame SLR
THE KINKS BIOGRAPHYUSA2008TV documentaryPhotography
Credited but never paid—RIP-OFF
POP BRITANNIAUK2008TV seriesphotography
Chile and Patagonia2008travel photos
SPECIALTEN magazineUK2008Connecting the Dots: Heather Lenzphotography
USA Pacific Coast2009travel photos
BIOGRAPHY - The KinksUK2009TV documentaryphotography
Yayoi Kusama - PHALLIC GIRL 1967JP2009Exhibitionphotography
LiefdesbekentenissenNL2009DVD - Extra'sinterview
Tromsö-Norway2010travel photosaurora borealis
Hong Kong2011travel photos
Panasonic Lumix2011small digital2nd model
Ginza MagazineJP8-2012Kusama Yayoiphotography
Israel2012-13travel photosteeth implants
Volksfeest WinterswijkNL2013The Kinksphotography
Top 2000 a GoGoNL2013TV-show The Kinksphotography
Laureate EducationUSA2014Digital Design Coursephotography
Yayoi KusamaJP2014Book (Heibonsha)photography
Circus BlotemanNL2015Book Ruud den Drijverphotographs
Korea-Japan 2015Travelphotographs
Kinks in WinterswijkNL2015Expositionphotographs
De Kinks Komen - Beat in WinterswijkNL2015Book Eric Meinsmaphotographs
Yayoi Kusama
DE2015Louisiana Museum of Modern ArtPhotographs
Yayoi Kusama - In InfinitySE2016Moderna Museet, StockholmPhotograph
Hitchcock, artist of 20th century
ES2016Espacio, MadridSaul Bass photo
Yayoi Kusama - Infinity MirrorsUSA2017Exhibition Hirshhorn Museum
* Washington, DC, USA
Hoger die drempel! Higher That Level!NL2017Book Caroline de WestenholzPhotographs
Yayoi Kusama - My Eternal Soul
JP2017National Art Gallery, TokyoPhotograph
YAYOI KUSAMA: Life is the Heart of a RainbowSingapore2017National Art GalleryPhotographs
YAYOI KUSAMA: Life is the Heart of a RainbowAU-QLD2017Queensland Art GalleryPhotographs
Kusama - InfinityUSA2018Heather Lenz, DirectorPhotographs
YAYOI KUSAMA: Life is the Heart of a RainbowID2018Museum MACAN, JakartaPhotographs
Hitchcock, más allá del suspense
MX2018/9Cineteca Nacional, Mexico CitySaul Bass photo
New Zealand2018travel photos
Zero Is InfinityJP2020Kusama Museum, TokyoPhotographs
Sieg Nach PunktenDE2020Monopol-DPhotographs
Yayoi Kusama: Love ForeverNL/BE20200 InstituteText & photographs
Kusama's Appendix
Kusama Retrospective
DE2021Groepius Bau, BerlinPhotographs
Het Fisken der Donut
Kommentaar Strategienota
CW2021Knipselkrant CuraçaoArticle
Edgar Palm en OtrabandaCW2021DVD-movie, 29:05Music recording, photography
producer, director
Harrie Verstappen on Kusama
DE2021Groepiusbau BerlinZoom interview
Eurasia - A Landscape of MutabilityBE2021MUHKA Museum, AntwerpenKusama Photographs
Yayoi Kusama: A RetrospectiveIL2021TLV Museum of Art, Tel AvivKusama Photographs
Yayoi Kusama: With Love from HollandNL20220-instituteBook; Kusama Photographs
Museum in Motion
BE2022-23MUHKA Museum, AntwerpenKusama _Photographs
YAYOI KUSAMA: The Dutch Years 1960-1970
With Love from Holland
BE2023English EditionPhotograps
ES2024Yayoi Kusama:
desde 1945 hasta hoy
In cooperation with Museum M+, Hong Kong
Servalves, PortoPT2024YAYOI KUSAMA: 1945 - HOJEPhotographs
In cooperation with Museum M+, Hong Kong
Yayoi Kusama:
The Dutch Years 1965-1970
Stedelijk Museum, SchiedamNL2023-2024Photographs
Stedelijk Museum
donation to collectionNL2024Schiedam exhibits
Den Haag
donation to collectionNL2024Schiedam exhibits
Polka Dots Pop
Zanolino Gallery, WillemstadCW2024Solo exhibition
Curaçao Fiesta
Zanolino Gallery
Stichting Curaçao Style
CW2024Photo Book

* also in Seattle Art Museum, The Broad L.A. (2018), Art Gallery of Ontario, Cleveland Museum of Art, High Museum of Art, Atlanta (2019)

Kusama - Infinity: Nominated for Grand Jury Prize, Sundance Film Festival, 2018

AN=Netherlands Antilles, AU=Australia; BE=Belgium; CW=Curaçao, DE=Germany; DK=Denmark; ES=Spain, ID=Indonesia, IL=Israel, JP=Japan, MX=Mexico,
NL=The Netherlands, NO=Norway, PT=Portugal, SE=Sweden, UK=United Kingdom/Great Britain

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copyright notice
all material on this site, except where noted
copyright © by harrie verstappen , curaçao
reproduction in any form for any purpose is prohibited
without prior consent in writing