all movie photos on this page © 1974 by Harrie Verstappen
all rights reserved
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Hugo Metsers - Willeke van Ammelrooij
Bob Verstraete - Carry Tefsen
Wim Verstappen, 1974
This film, modest as it was, did quite well. Well, it was reasonably nice, but that's no guarantee. At all. We shot it in something like three weeks, but I remember it as a more leisurely production than some. But we had few locations and a limited number of actors.
The Coca-Cola process did not do any harm at the box office, of course; below the press release (in Dutch, sorry guys).
In the only scene with lots-of-extras, Wim had me direct a sex-show audience to test my capacity as a director, as he wanted to get rid of contractual agreements where his partner forced him to direct films he didn't feel like directing, but considered having me take that disagreeable, but better paying, job. Nothing came of this—maybe I did a bad job? Who knows... Just one of those many things.
I arrived at the set on the first day of shooting with the last b/w prints for Dakota (but we needn't have bothered with those). While shooting on location for Dakota in Willemstad, Curaçao, I ran out of my one-emulsion film stock, and bought 2 rolls of Kodacolor-X film in a shop. From those two rolls, 4 shots ended up in the set. Being sometimes quite able to take a hint, I looked at the negatives and it turned out those two rolls had been made in Rochester, versus the much inferior Paris Kodacolor I had brought from Holland.
I started bugging Kodak for Real Rochester stuff, which you could get only via professional labs. So I switched to a decent lab, in the process, Hoogwerff-Eikelenboom in den Haag. The really ironic thing about it all was, they were cheaper than what I had had to put up with before.
Mijanou van Baarzel asked me to print some b/w shots of her, which she told me had been made by the top Universal International photographer. If that is true, I was amazed at the sloppiness of the work. Some of the films had been totally overdeveloped and overexposed, about the worst combination you can find. Just goes to show you that you had to do your own processing to know what was going on.
(By the way, she still owes me for the prints. That's show biz, folks!)
Director - Wim Verstappen
screenplay - Charles Gormley/Wim Verstappen
camera - Marc Felperlaan
sound - Kees Linthorst
light - Martin van Bennekum
make-up - Ulli Ullrich
stills - Harrie Verstappen
art direction - Inge van Santen Kolff
editor - Jutta Brandstaedter/Mickey Kley
mixing - Peter Vink, Cinetone
laboratory - Technicolor
production assistants - Jan Musch/Cedric Vonk
assistant director - Olga Madsen
production manager - Frans Rasker
producer - Pim de la Parra
$corpio Films, 1974, 90 minutescast
Willeke van Ammelrooy
Hugo Metsers
Bob Verstraete
Carry Tefsen
Mijanou van Baarzel
Jeroen Krabbé
Helmert Woudenberg - Henk Votel
Jerôme Reehuis - Bruni Heinke
Loudi Nijhoff - Cor Witschge
Marc Koetsveld - Denise Jainszé
Mady Alfredo - Johan te Slaa
Rietje Scholten - Ricardo
Theo Pont - Jan Verkoren
Olga Zuiderhoek - Pim de la Parra Jr.
Lex Goudsmit
Dutch censorship had no problem with the scene below,
but a well-known soft-drink brand had
a cut from the original release
the (here) blacked-out ™TM bottle
was replaced by no-deposit, non return
vin blanc du pays "Le Coq Rouge"
mis en cave avec nos bouteilles
Aan de Nederlandse pers
Amsterdam, 9 september 1974
De Coca-Cola Company te Atlanta, USA, overweegt rechtsmaatregelen tegen Scorpio Films te Amsterdam.
Coca-Cola heeft bij geruchte vernomen dat in de nieuwste film van Pim do la Parra & Wim Verstappen, "ALICIA" (met WILLEKE VAN AMMELROOY en HUGO METSERS), een masturbatie-scene voor zou komen met een Coca-Cola fles, en heeft Scorpio Films via haar advocaten gesommeerd deze scene uit de film te verwijderen.
"ALICIA" is al door de nederlandse filmkeuring toegelaten, en zal op 2 september in landelijke première gaan, te weten in Amsterdam, Den Haag, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Groningen, Haarlem, Hilversum, Arnhem, Nijmegen, Leiden, Delft, Heerlen, Maastricht, Breda, Tilburg en Eindhoven.
Pim en Wim vinden dat Coca-Cola (die de film "ALICIA" nog helemaal niet gezien heeft) de zaak zwaar overdrijft, en ze zijn niet van plan de scene uit de film te knippen.
Wel zijn Pim & Wim de Coca-Cola Company te Atlanta bijzonder dankbaar voor deze onverwachte publiciteit rondom "ALICIA".(The House offers apologies for not translating the Dutch press release quoted above)
Cor Witschge, Pipo de Clown and KRO broadcasting
This is such a typico story, I have to tell it. Cor Witschge, who played a police man in this movie, had been playing the Pipo the Clown character in a children's series for years and years, when KRO decided they'd get rid of him. Who can even guess at their reasons? But anyway, they figured anybody could play this clown as long as they dressed him up in the proper costume and make-up. Well, surprise! kids deluged them with complaints that the new actor just didn't make it, and that they wanted their Pipo back. So much for the front office and for what they know.
Wim Verstappen directs Filth
mark trade-marked bottle
Wim Verstappen teaches actor to Pray
Note: if you search for "Alicia" below, you may find a 1983 film
not directed by Verstappen
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copyright © 1974 by , curaçao
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