the Looniverse

Jamaica: Coffee, ganja and rum

A Hole in the Sky
A Hole in the Sky
grabbed on our flight CUR-KIN

She's on a holiday in the West Indies.
No, she went of her own free will.
P.G. Wodehouse, Uncle Dynamite
And so we did in 1993. The place was amazingly like Curaçao; sure, it's larger and higher, but the main difference is that vegetation is so much richer and hides all rubbish and trash. Also, there are much stronger anti-honky feelings in Jamaica, and it took us some time to get used to that. It may have to do with poverty, much worse than in Curaçao at the time, but there must be more reasons; the island just looks less civilized. Apart from Calypso (like it) and Reggae (don't), I still don't know a thing about Jamaica culture. The older colonial architecture looks more interesting than the really modern style, just like in Curaçao. Even more churches all over the place than we have here now. Have a look for yourself—I was pretty much in form.

Blue Montains
the Blue Mountains

Ward Theatre, Kingston
Kingston Town

Spanish Town
the South

white rock
down by the riverside

dusky ship
Port Antonio

grass slope
Lush and Green

wooden house
Middle of Nowhere

Jamaica, fare thee well...


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