the Looniverse


Ward Theatre

Kingston Town

A rather big city for the Caribbean.
With over 700,000 people, it's overcrowded, noisy and filthy. I wouldn't care to live there.
But Slum City looks just marvelous from the rich villas on the hills surrounding it.


colonial style gendarmerie bus stop

houses jam jam jam jam
Mother's street market street market
In the supermarkets, they often had an exhibition of Polaroid photographs taken of thieves after having caught them in the act.
Holding up their booty to show it off, more often than not they proudly grinned in the lens.
For some reason, they seemed to be inordinately fond of stealing cheese.

neighbors cathedral
The sumptuous cathedral with its slightly less luxurious neighbors—right across the street.

street vendor


help! waterfront

Picture Book

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