Kees Brusse - Andrea Domburg Rudolf Lucieer Guus Oster - Sonja Barends Helmert Woudenberg - Marijke Boonstra - Hugo Metsers
Wim Verstappen, 1971
Not a bad movie at all. Fine script for starters. But stiff! Then again, so was Dr. Strangelove.
Here, I never managed to lay my hands on a more-or-less complete set of stills. My set-up was so primitive right then we washed the B/W prints in a bathtub. But so the first Kodachrome films were developed in a bathtub. It's the same all over.
The Cast
seems glad of sump'n
... but not of the color prints they made for this one! Internegatives very unsharp; often printed emulsion side backwards (not realizing they were dupes). This did not result in the disaster it could have been, audience-attracting wise. What really got to me was how magazine reproduction was really much better than photographic prints. It should be inferior - what can you conclude but that the photo labs' techniques were far behind the publishing business'?