the Looniverse



humorous cartoon feet

Lago Llanquihue

The second largest lake of Chile, north of Puerto Montt.
There's much to enjoy around and about; just keep your eyes open.
(And look over your shoulder every once in a while.)

Seno de Relocavi

To the east you have a wild volcano landscape with even wilder parks;
the views of the lake itself alone are worth it, with on it's border places like Frutillar and Puerto Varas.
The first photos are on the Seno de Relocavi, the sea-arm Puerto Monte is on. The ebb-tide is a dead give-away...

Seno de Relocavi Seno de Relocavi

Seno de Relocavi
Seno de Relocavi Seno de Relocavi

Seno de Relocavi
Puerto Varas

Puerto Varas

For some reason, the Chileans just adore German architecture. Or what they take for German architecture.
Actually, it's often just monstrous and a foul defamation of many real German styles.

Puerto Varas Puerto Varas fire plug Puerto Varas monster disco

digitalis Seno de Relocavi flowers

Really full of Germans. They even speak the language. You can frühstück in einer kleiner Konditorei, mit Kuchen und Tee.
They are building a giant auditoreum, as yet unfinished but already in use, looking out across the lake towards a, the, volcano.
The concert on was by some military chapel, but I can enjoy Sousa more out on the streets.


Frutillar Frutillar Frutillar
That thing really looks like a Weihnachtsbaum, doesn't it? Complete with ornaments.

Goodie! Yet another graveyard!

The River Rocks

The River Rocks The River Rocks The River Rocks

on to the parks
and the volcanoes

rustic bee hives steam engine

rustic mail box? - bee hives - steam engine
I do like those steam engines. They are to be found in many places.
In Curaçao, I guess there's not a single one left.

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