flesh it all out
South Africa
Vleisfees (which I have a deplorable tendency to translate as Flesh Feast) really means Meat Feast.
But really, my translation isn't all that bad: Figure what's often going at those country fairs
where people from far around meet and have a jolly fling.
Meet the Meat, then Eat
One very funny thing about the country was, to us: People looked so Dutch! Small wonder, of course; is what they are. On the other hand, we would hardly call the
blacksthere so, compared with Curaçao. Our people mostly came from equatorial Africa, and the indigenous South African has what, to us, looks much more like a Mediterranean brownish color.
While visiting the local graveyard, we were overwhelmed by a strong boom bass sort of washing, tsunami-like, over the village. Another very Dutch thing; what they call hoompah music in Holland. It all came from the vleisfees.
This comes with a Blue Ribbon competition for animals, tugs of war between groups of men and 4-wheel drives, stand-up comedians, singers, market stalls and, naturally! plenty to eat and drink. Judge for yourself: A merry time is had by all.
There's not only a resemblance with the Dutch; mark also how incredibly Far USA West this all looks.
Starting with those cowboy outfits. Compare with this scene, which might come straight of out Shane. Or from Australia.
Japan blossom celebration
't is wisely writtenEat, drink and be merry,
for tomorrow you may die
South Africa![]()
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