the Looniverse



humorous cartoon feet

Wind and Roads

There is much wind in Patagonia!
In fact, it is the outstanding characteristic of the country.


You can't miss it. Magellán was really lucky that he made it through at all.
Sterling Hayden's great novel Voyage describes the struggle
of one of the last sailing clippers to get through against that wind.
It really blows.

It was two years later that I found the local name for it - in a book on Mount Everest, forsooth:
La escoba de Dios (God's broom)
That book is wild too, about how maniac cripples paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to get 'em schlepped up the mountain
so they can brag to their Fine Friends they have made it to the Top of the World
Into Thin Air - Jon Krakauer


wind waaiboom tdp_wind_chile 146.jpg

tied-down caravan lean wind and sea

watch the roads
or you'll be sorry
they have enormously long stretches, all straight and level - great to fall asleep on

tire nails steep oops Fiat
bum dumb fix gay
bulls horse cart horse cart

road sign
but what does it mean?

Those road signs can be extremely confusing.
When a European or North American native may think they say something,
they often mean the exact opposite.
Watch it!


(not all) roadkill
shrines and cemeteries

Picture Book

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