the Looniverse



Tierra del Fuego
West Coast: Chile

East Coast: Argentina
Beagle Channel

always that storm
Amazing contrast here between the wind-beaten coast and
immediately to the east of it, a peaceful countryside

Again, Charles Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle gave us food for thoughtful observation. He describes how they climbed a hill and had to walk over the vegetation, and of course occasionally sinking into it up to their shoulders. All wet.

Darwin plants

This was hard to imagine until I actually saw those plants. Most of the landscape has changed (thanks to the imported sheep) but you do run into occasional stretches of what must have been that sort of bushes.

fishermen fishermen fishermen

fishing Bahía Inutil sheep valley

stream green valley green valley

the place of escape

astrodome garage main street

They sell you the ferry trip from Punta Arenas because of Porvenir's architecture. It's pitiful...
And the nicest building we saw (center) isn't even on their list

boat harbor quay

No wonder somebody must have been in a hurry to get out of there


We were warned the trip across the Strait was pretty rough.
Instead, we were treated to marvelous light effects

across across across

Picture Book

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