the Looniverse



humorous cartoon feet

Seno Otway

Penguins. I'm not particularly fond of them. "But they're so cute!"
Yeah, just like dolphins. Here, a visit to a colony; looks much better than it smells.


A terrible existence these, what Magellán when he first met them called "ducks", have.
In South Africa we witnessed how a bunch of them pushed one over the edge into the waves to check
if there wasn't an enemy lurking below the surface. (Maybe he was an uncouth bore, anyway.)
And don't think he didn't protest, either.

Seno Otway
Seno Otway is a sea arm
the village closest by is called Entre Vientos [between winds] - uh huh

paddle-bath paddle-bath paddle-bath paddle-bath
Back from fishing anchovies?
They tell me human consumption of anchovies is so great (stop me if you've heard this one before)
that the penguins' food supply is threatened. You can't scare me with that:
I'm sure I eat less anchovies in a year than one penguin eats per day!


Absolutely mindless fauna...
...just like their offspring
youngster offspring trio


Better things to look at!

plants rabbit moss

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