just as beautiful as Matsushima.
When we were there, there was a terrific storm which literally blew the air out of your lungs. Very tiring, especially after our bronchial Tokyo trouble. Very impressive, though; but not so many photographs. Such as they are, even... that heavy wind interfered with my compositional efforts by pulling at the camera. Not to mention watering eyes.
All that did make clear why this place seems to be popular with suicidal types. There are many more suicides in Japan (over 34,000 in 2005) than traffic deaths (7,358 in 2004)—to which I have to add that traffic does look extremely safe. Smooth and disciplined with not even a hint of aggression, let alone Road Rage. Anyway, as reassuringly promised by the travel brochures, we witnessed no suicide. Maybe even better, not one single traffic accident all the time we were in Japan.
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