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good advice 
Telepathy? Clairvoyance? Whatever?
Hmm... Not bad thinking for a hopeless drunk...
But of course we don't need to be pyschic to know it's Kuifje who will turn out to be right.

I can fly!
Levitation yet. TM®, the Giggling Guru or the Beatles... Hergé beat 'em all to it.
But why is the other monk so surprised? Living in a Himalayan monastery, he ought to be used to this kind of act.

Abonimable, it is.
Hergé believes in the Abonimable Bigsmell Yeti; it's obvious when you read the book.
Here, again, I have problems translating the accent.

Now have a look at the guy's skull, with the funny coiffure. (I mean the BIG guy's). A Yeti scalp like that is actually preserved in a Himalayan monastery. Those who have seen it AND have an ugly skeptical closed unbelieving mind, swear it has been faked out of two goat skins sewn together. Hence the strange ridge in the middle. Others are convinced it's the real thing! Surely, pious religious monks would not try to fool you.
What can I say? I haven't seen this particular contraption myself, but am utterly unconvinced.

So you want to make sure? Don't trust me, huh? You're wising up already. Find out for yourself here.

Copyright by Hergé


Chuchubi, the last KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf DC3
was sold to Royal Nepal Airlines in 1961


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all Tintin material © by Hergé
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copyright © by harrie verstappen , curaçao
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