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Beth Haim

Bleinheim tree


The oldest Jewish cemetery in the Americas.
Maybe even in the Western hemisphere. It dates from 1656; the oldest stone is from 1668 or 1662.

The Isla refinery smoke, carried over the graveyard by the constant Trade Wind, has caused heavy corrosion.
Some stones have been duplicated and others were taken away, but the damage is heavy and still growing.

It is a point of interest for many Jewish tourists from the U.S.A., who never fail to pay it a visit.

Bleinheim graves Bleinheim tree Bleinheim toruist
Bleinheim graves

Bleinheim dead tree
Bleinheim house
Bleinheim gate

Once sent a Jewish friend a postcard of this place: "Wish you were here."
He loved it; but then, he called himself 'Hymie'

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