the Looniverse!

New Zealand
New Zealand

The original inhabitants of New Zealand. Charles Darwin didn't like them much.
They, or what's left of 'em after centuries of interbreeding with Whitie, are very much like the Polynesians.
Only they are much bigger which goes for the womenfolk, too; in all dimensions.
O yeah, pronounce Mow-ree; just like Macao and Curaçao.

funny duck
Auckland Maritime Museum

In the Auckland Museum, and elsewhere, you can enjoy a show of "authentic" Maori dances and songs. This is pure folklore: the dances and songs were accompanied by an (amplified) accoustic guitar player which I'm prepared to bet anything the Maoris didn't have.
Then there's their wood-carving. Very intricate and technically accomplished. But it completely lacks the simplicity and minimalism I happen to like (the work of Saul Bass, and what I love in Japan; or what we found in Vancouver.) So I couldn't get into it.
And all those tattoos! Let it go, already.
Maori totems
Opotiki Coast monument

Maori house
wharenui meeting house

As is so often the case, their utility objects bring out the best in them.

knots and struts knots and struts knots and struts

NZ panorama
Auckland Maritime Museum

but one great thing is their
gay grave
so sunny, cheery, and gay

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