the Looniverse!

New Zealand
New Zealand

A few panoramas. As far as I remember, the first I did on the Sony A900.
As always, worked up with PictureWindow and AutoStitch.


Do yourself a favor and rid your poor brain of the thought that this is easy to achieve.
In the first place, you must have all exposures used in the final composition adjusted to the same gamma and density/color balance. This is much easier with the latest version of AutoStitch, though—it's much more forgiving.
But, come down to it, that's only the second place, really! I lazily take the originals by hand, but really should use a tripod with a bulb level as it's very hard to foretell what the program will cut off to get the horizon straight. So I just pan about a bit and more or less hope for the best.
Anyway, this time I managed to restrain myself and came back with much less panoramas than is my wont.
Here they are, such as they are. Enjoy.

NZ panorama

NZ panorama

NZ panorama

NZ panorama

NZ panorama
more quirky lava

NZ panorama

Allow me to wallow in my usual bitching:
the easier it gets to make those things (and believe me, it got lots easier the past ten years)
the more frustrating it is they're so hard to show.
When you click through, don't forget to click again on the next page to get 'em full-size

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